Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Movie Once, Ireland...for all dreamers and aspiring and working musicians

I'm endorsing a fabulous little film called Once, which we just saw last night. As a small indie film set in Ireland, it's done well, having just won an Oscar for Best Song as well as a Grammy, and a number of other awards.

Many of the scenes, including the scene in the music shop, where they improvise the creation of the hit song which ultimately won the Oscar, we've been to and know well. Bonus fun factor. The whole opening sequence is right around the corner from Paul's office.


Watch the movie, then click on the Oscars acceptance speeches link below. As soon as we finished the film, we were interested in the actors and their histories, and watching the combination of the film/real life successes was a wonderful testament to the impact of art, music, hope and following your dreams.

Oscar acceptance speeches

Performance at the Oscars

Even if you've already seen the film and the Oscars, viewed back to back, the impact of the message will bring on the tears...in all the best ways!...

Lastly, over the weekend, we also just discovered that the new film from the holidays, PS, I Love You, which was made two years ago in the Wicklow Mountains, contains scenes which were shot just on the road by our house. ...I guess Ireland must be a beautiful place to be...

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Well, if you guys recommend it, then I HAVE to see it. Truly. I put it on request from the library. I think am number 103 in line.

I enjoyed PS I love you...Especially the Ireland scenes! I wish I was coming to visit soon so I could stroll with you guys on the same roads! :-)